Download Google Images search results

Extreme Picture Finder is a software for Windows which offers the easiest way to download Google Images search results to your PC automatically. All you have to do is to enter your search keyword or phrase and hit the Start button. The program will go through all the search result and deliver the full-size images right to your PC very fast.

Here is the quick-start guide. First of all - download the most recent version of Extreme Picture Finder using the button above. Install and start the program. In the program menu select the Search - New search... item or click the New Search button to open the New Search Wizard window.

Enter search keyword to download Google Images search results

Now type your search keyword or phrase and click Finish button. That's it! That's all you have to do to save the search results from Google, Bing, and

Download Google Images search results

And you can view all downloaded images in the built-in image viewer immediately.

Export Google Images search results URLs

If you need to see the URLs of saved images you can simply switch the file view in the program to Details using menu item View - Files view mode - Details.

Google Images search results URLs

You can also export the search results URLs into a text file if you need to. After the search is complete use menu item Project - Export file list... to open the export settings window.

Export Google Images search results URLs

Here you must choose what data you want in the result file: image URLs or parent page URLs, select the result file name and click OK button to export Google Images search results URLs into the selected file.

Have questions about Google images download?

If you'll have any problems downloading Google Images search results with Extreme Picture Finder - write us at, we'll be glad to help! Also, please check out the Extreme Picture Finder forum where we answered hundreds of questions already.

Latest version: 3.66.17
File size: 96.3 MB
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