Download Extreme Picture Finder

Most recent version of Extreme Picture Finder requires Windows 10 or newer to run. It can always be downloaded here. Just click the button below to download the installation package and run the downloaded file. File size is 96.3 MB. Our software is safe and 100% virus-free.

If your browser prevents downloading or running executables from the Internet - download .ZIP or .7z archive with the above installation package, open it and start the installation by double-clicking the .EXE file inside the archive:, PictureFinderSetup.7z

Extreme Picture Finder for Windows 7, 8, 8.1

The last version of Extreme Picture Finder that works on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 is version 3.63.3. If you are currently using one of these versions of Windows, we encourage you to move to a Windows version supported by Microsoft (at least Windows 10) to be able to use the most recent version of the program. If you cannot do it right now - you can download Extreme Picture Finder 3.63.3 here:

Extreme Picture Finder for Windows 7, 8, 8.1

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