Extreme Picture Finder interface translations

We included all up-to-date translations into the Extreme Picture Finder installation package so you can choose the interface language during the program installation. But if you decide to choose another language after the program is installed - you are welcome to download any language installation package here. Simply download and run any package from the list below.

Language Updated for version Download
Arabic 3.65.16   arab_setup.exe
Brazilian Portuguese 3.62.3   pt-br_setup.exe
Bulgarian 3.64.4   bul_setup.exe
Chinese (Simplified) 3.42.8   zh-cn_setup.exe
Colombian Spanish 3.65.16   es-co_setup.exe
Czech 3.65.16   cz_setup.exe
Danish 3.66.16   da_setup.exe
Dutch 3.58.1   dut_setup.exe
Estonian 3.65.16   et_setup.exe
French 3.66.16   fr_setup.exe
German 3.66.16   de_setup.exe
Hindi 3.66.16   hi_setup.exe
Hungarian 3.65.16   hu_setup.exe
Indonesian 3.59.3   id_setup.exe
Italian 3.66.16   it_setup.exe
Japanese 3.25.1   jp_setup.exe
Korean 3.65.16   kr_setup.exe
Latvian 3.55.1   lv_setup.exe
Macedonian 3.66.16   mc_setup.exe
Norwegian 3.29   no_setup.exe
Polish 3.64.4   pl_setup.exe
Slovenian 3.62.3   slo_setup.exe
Swedish 3.44.1   sw_setup.exe
Turkish 3.65.16   tr_setup.exe
Vietnamese 3.65.16   vi_setup.exe

Free registration for interface translation

We need help translating the program interface into different languages. If your native language is not already in the list of interface languages (or the translation was not updated for the latest version of the program) and you can help us with the translation, then write us at support@exisoftware.com and name the language. We'll send you back the instructions on how to do the translation. After the job is finished you'll get a free registration for your help!

Latest version: 3.66.16
File size: 96.3 MB
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