portfolio downloader

Download all artworks of any selected author on website with Extreme Picture Finder - the best downloader. Please use the following URLs with this template:

Some artworks may contain several different files, so all files belonging to each artwork are saved into a separate sub-folder automatically. If you want all artworks in one folder - open the project properties, select [ Save / Sub-folders ] section and then check the [ No sub-folders ] option.

Target files:
*.jp*, *.pn*, *.gif, *.webp, *.mp4, *.webm

EPF version required:
3.63 or newer

Template version:


How to use:
1. Download and install the most recent version of Extreme Picture Finder.
2. Download this template using the above button.
3. Double-click the downloaded file to open it with Extreme Picture Finder.
4. Create new project in Extreme Picture Finder, paste your starting URL, select this template and start downloading files.

Click here for the detailed tutorial

If you are updating a template (installing a newer template version) - you have to create new projects to use settings from the new template version. Existing projects will not use settings from the new template version - only new projects will.
Latest version: 3.66
File size: 91 MB
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